Great Lakes Geometry Conference 2014

Location: 127 Hayes-Healy Center

About the Conference

The Great Lakes Geometry Conference is a well established conference series held annually in the Great Lakes region, rotating among different universities. The aim of this conference series is to bring together distinguished speakers in a variety of areas in geometry, topology and mathematical physics.

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation

Invited Speakers:

Mohammed Abouzaid - Columbia University
Matthew Hedden - Michigan State University
Laszlo Lempert - Purdue University 
Aaron Naber - Northwestern University
Tim Perutz - University of Texas at Austin
Duong H. Phong - Columbia University
Natasa Sesum - Rutgers University

Travel support is available and graduate students, recent PhDs, and members of underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply. Please visit the conference website for more details.

Contact: Gabor Szekelyhidi