Need help with math? Tutoring sessions are available

Author: Stephanie Healey


Math Tutoring, Spring 2013

The O’Meara Mathematics Library staff is pleased to announce that tutoring sessions will be offered in the branch library Sunday -Thursday from 7-11 p.m. for undergraduate students from any mathematics class.

The tutors are available to help with assignments or questions. Tutors are not intended to do a student's homework or repeat lectures a student missed. The program has been very successful and the comments from students using the service have been extremely positive. 

There are three ways to sign up for tutoring sessions:

  • In person at the O’Meara Mathematics Library, located in the basement of Hayes-Healy Center
  • Email
  • Call 574-631-7278

If you have questions about tutoring services, please contact:

Karen Lanser
Sr.  Branch Library Services Specialist
O'Meara Mathematics Library