First Health Professions Application meeting

Location: 105 Jordan Hall

For those planning to start their medical, dental, or other health professions schools (except veterinary) application next summer (2013) in order to matriculate in July/August 2014, the application process begins soon.

Please save the date for the first meeting for those applying to Health Professions Schools next year.
Thursday, November 8
5:30 pm in 105 Jordan

The first meeting will provide an overview of the application process, the timeline to obtain the Notre Dame cover letter, and the primary and secondary application processes for the health professions schools.

For those who are studying abroad, there will be a makeup meeting in January, 2013.


Kathleen J. S. Kolberg Ph.D.
Assistant Dean Undergraduate Studies
Center for Health Sciences Advising
219 Jordan Hall of Science
University of Notre Dame

Rev. James K. Foster, CSC, MD
Director, Assistant Dean
Center for Health Sciences Advising
219 Jordan Hall of Science
Notre Dame, IN 46556

Originally published at