Undergraduate Summer School Mini-Courses: Motivic Invariants and Singularities

Location: 127 Hayes-Healy Center

The entire program will last from May 21-25. View the event poster (1.35MB PDF).

p-adic numbers and p-adic integration, Margaret M. Robinson (Mt. Holyoke College). This course is an introduction to Igusa local zeta functions. SYLLABUS

Tropical geometry, Dustin Cartwright (Yale University). Tropical geometry is a way of studying algebraic varieties through their tropicalizations, which are combinatorial and polyhedral objects. I will give an introduction to tropical geometry and its applications to singularities and enumerative problems. SYLLABUS

Singular Learning Theory, Shaowei Lin (Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR Singapore, previously from UC Berkeley)". Many difficult problems in machine learning are victims of the curse of singularities. As the big data becomes more important, the key mathematical issues need to be analyzed at a deeper level. In this course, we give a brief introduction to singular learning theory, a powerful geometric approach recently developed by Sumio Watanabe. No prior knowledge of statistics is required. SYLLABUS

For more information, visit the Center for Mathematics website.