Our Universe Revealed Online: Artemis vs. Apollo

Location: Online

Clive Neal, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Notre Dame College of Engineering

Online access

Earlier this year, NASA released its Plan for Sustained Exploration and Development on the Moon. One of the biggest issues to its success in enabling the support of human exploration is the simple fact that we do not know the full extent of the lunar resources which are available. 

In 2023, NASA’s will launch its VIPER mission, a rover which is expected to begin exploring the resources at the poles of the moon. However, before wider human exploration is possible, numerous locations will need to be visited to ensure sufficient resources are available. Prof. Clive Neil discusses this, the idea of an Artemis Base Camp, and how public-private partnership investment will help make human exploration back to the moon a reality through developing the resources, production and new technologies. 

Our Universe Revealed YouTube Channel [unlimited viewers] – https://www.youtube.com/OurUniverseRevealed

Connect using Zoom [limited to 100 viewers] (instructions for how to install the Zoom client and connect to the talk can be found at https://bit.ly/2xbGZVs) – https://notredame.zoom.us/j/724722144 (Meeting ID is 724-722-144).