Analyzing Articles Using JSTOR's Data for Research Service

Location: 129 Hesburgh Library

Data For Research (DFR) is an alternative interface to JSTOR enabling the reader to download statistical information describing JSTOR search results. JSTOR's DFR is a powerful tool enabling the reader to look for trends in large sets of articles as well as drill down into the specifics of individual articles. For example, using DFR a person can create a graph illustrating when sets of citations where written, create a word cloud illustrating the most frequently used words in a journal article, or classify sets of JSTOR articles according to a set of broad subject headings. More advanced features enable the reader to extract frequently used phrases in a text as well as list statistically significant keywords. This hands-on workshop leads the student through a set of exercises demonstrating these techniques. REQUIREMENTS Attendees are expected to bring their own computer to the workshop. Attendees are also expected to register for a JSTOR DFR user account prior to the date of the workshop

See requirements here. Register here.