
Building upon our past to build a better future for all

Our Mission

Guided by our common human curiosity and Catholic character, the College of Science at the University of Notre Dame undertakes its mission to prepare the scientific leaders of tomorrow, inspiring them to seek greater understanding of the natural world, to translate that knowledge into human improvement, and to share discoveries in ways that make a difference in society. 

The College of Science is committed to fostering advancements that answer the world’s toughest questions and solve its most enduring problems. We are dedicated to providing our students with an exceptional education in an environment that encourages exploration, discovery, collaboration, and independent thinking in a place where each person’s unique contribution is valued.

Our Goals

  • Strengthen the culture of innovation and excellence in undergraduate instruction, expand research opportunities, provide rigorous scientific preparation for all Notre Dame Students, and enhance mentorships toward career discernment.
  • Strengthen the culture of innovation and excellence in graduate training through engagement with outstanding faculty mentors, access to state-of-the-art facilities, and exposure to multi-disciplinary problems while taking a holistic approach to the support and professional development of all graduate students.
  • Strengthen the culture of innovation and excellence in postdoctoral training through engagement with outstanding faculty mentors, access to state-of-the-art facilities, and exposure to multi-disciplinary problems while taking a holistic approach to the support and professional development of all postdoctoral researchers.
  • Advance our faculty who are or will become world-class leaders in their fields by providing mentoring, resources, facilities, and a culture of excellence and collaboration.
  • Through the efforts of all of our faculty, enhance our research reputation and increase our impact by creating fundamental knowledge and discovering new paths for its utilization.
  • Enhance the prominence and stature of the College of Science by promoting achievements and activities of the College.
  • Create and sustain a diverse and effective staff to support the teaching and research missions of the College.


Student Doing Research

Our Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

Recognizing that all are created in God’s image and likeness, we will promote a culture that is respectful of the dignity of every individual and in which diversity in many forms and expressions is valued and appreciated.

Guided by our belief in the essential dignity of every person, the College of Science strives to create an academic and campus culture that attracts and supports the development of a diverse community of students, faculty and staff that reflect the diversity of the Catholic Church and the broader world in which we live and work.

A diverse campus community is inextricably linked to academic excellence.  It provides a rich intellectual environment, consisting of a broader range of questions, perspectives, and scholarly interests, better preparing all our graduates to live, work and serve others in an increasingly global and multicultural society.

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Since its founding in 1865, the University of Notre Dame’s College of Science has built upon the University’s world-renowned intellectual resources while building up the campus’s state-of-the-art infrastructure. What hasn’t changed—and never will—is the University’s unwavering commitment to its Catholic character and its mission. This profound sense of unity of purpose is what sets us apart.