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Media Mentions

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  1. Celebrating Transformational Science: Honoring the 2024 International Champions of the Frontiers Planet Prize

    Influencing policy and legislation is also at the heart of the work of the third international champion, Professor Jason Rohr, from the University of Notre Dame, United States of America. Known for his interdisciplinary approach when exploring the complex interactions between environmental factors and biological systems, Professor Rohr turned his attention to Schistosomiasis, a parasitic disease transmitted through contact with contaminated freshwater and puts over 800 million people worldwide at risk of the disease. In his award-winning research A planetary health innovation for disease, food, and water challenges in Africa, published in Nature.

  2. It’s a matter of life and death – but life is winning

    Two moving investigations are now saving thousands of babies and young children

  3. Local governments hand out fentanyl test strips, but they could be illegal in Indiana

    Drug recovery experts say fentanyl and other test strips can save lives. They say confusion over whether the strips are legal negatively impacts overdose prevention.