Media Mentions: June 2023

May 2023 June 2023 July 2023

  1. How do you know if drinking water is safe from forever chemicals?

    Whether you use city tap water, well water or buy bottled water, here’s what we know about PFAS in the water you drink.

  2. Mass. firefighters and families take on PFAS 'forever chemicals'

    Firefighters are on the front lines of the effort to regulate PFAS because they have been particularly exposed to these chemicals through their jobs and equipment.

    WBUR's Gabrielle Emanuel reports.

    This segment aired on June 16, 2023.

  3. How can I avoid eating food with ‘forever’ chemicals?

    “For the average consumer, there’s no way to avoid it,” said Graham Peaslee, a physics professor at the University of Notre Dame. “But, you can do some smart things.”

    Originally published at

  4. ‘It’s Pretty Horrific but Fascinating Nonetheless.’ Inside the New Wave of Atomic Tourism.

    “Whenever there is talk about nuking, people get interested in the atomic bomb,” said Michael Wiescher, a nuclear physicist at the University of Notre Dame who sees enrollment go up in his “Nuclear War” course when it’s in the news. His colleague Ani Aprahamian finds atomic tourism a curious phenomenon. “I’m a nuclear physicist and would find going to a test site fascinating in any case,” she said, “but perhaps it’s nostalgia or a desire to understand that drives others.”

    Originally published at

  5. Plastic containers still distributed across the US are a potential health disaster

    Inhance late last year also began claiming that an April 2022 adjustment to its fluorination process reduced PFAS leaching to negligible levels. That was contradicted by a late 2022 peer-reviewed University of Notre Dame study of Inhance containers.

    Originally published at

  6. Six Institutions Invited To Join Association Of American Universities

    University of Notre Dame President Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., said, “our mission at Notre Dame is to be a preeminent research university, provide an unsurpassed undergraduate education and to have all we do informed by our Catholic mission. We are honored to be invited to join the AAU, heartened by the AAU board’s recognition of our progress as a research university, and we look forward to participating in this august organization.”

    Originally published at