Need help with a math class? Free tutoring is available.

Author: Stephanie Healey



The O’Meara Mathematics Library staff is pleased to announce that free tutoring sessions will once again be offered in the branch library Sunday-Thursday from 7-11 p.m. for undergraduate and graduate students from any mathematics class.

The tutors are available to help with assignments or questions. Tutors are not intended to do a student's homework or repeat lectures a student missed. The program has been very successful and the comments from students using the service have been extremely positive. 

To sign up for a tutoring session, please visit the O'Meara Mathematics Library website. When scheduling, you will be asked to provide your name and the name of the course. It is also helpful for you to briefly explain what sort of help you need. Providing specifics will give the tutor time to prepare in advance of your session. Tutors will also try to accommodate drop-in students.

If you have questions about tutoring services, please contact:

Karen Lanser
Sr.  Branch Library Services Specialist
O'Meara Mathematics Library