Lecture: Re-Personalizing Medicine - Finding yourself as an unanticipated agent of change in healthcare

Location: Jordan Hall of Science, room 105

Speaker: Yuri Maricich, M.D.
Co-founder of the Pathos Project, a national not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting personalism in medicine

While in medical school, Yuri Maricich and fellow Notre Dame graduates became very concerned about the depersonalization of the care of the patient, and as medical students unexpectedly found themselves agents of change in the culture of medicine. They founded the Pathos Project as a way to return personalism into medicine. In this talk, Dr. Maricich, now a practicing physician in Virginia, will discuss his experience and the state of depersonalization in healthcare now. He will also provide advice about preparing yourself to enter medical school, the healthcare profession, and the culture of medicine.

***This talk may also be applicable to any students outside of healthcare who are interested in reflecting about becoming an agent for change in any organization.

Sponsored by the Ruth M. Hillebrand Center for Compassionate Care in Medicine in the College of Science and the Pathos Project.

Dominic Vachon, M.Div., Ph.D.
Director, Ruth M. Hillebrand Center for Compassionate Care in Medicine
phone: 574-631-9536