Physics Colloquium: Dr. Xilin Zhang, FRIB, MSU

Location: 118 Nieuwland Science Hall (View on map )

Towards precision studies of nuclear reactions: merging macroscopic theories, microscopic simulations, and data analysis

Dr. Xilin Zhang
FRIB Theory Fellow, MSU

How did visible matter come into being in the universe? It is a fundamental question for nuclear science. To answer it, we need to know how nuclei, representing more than 99.9% of atomic masses, interact and transform themselves in different astrophysical environments. In addition, the so-called direct nuclear reactions (typically at higher energies) are indispensable tools for nuclear experiments to address that fundamental question.

Even though we discovered the sub-atomic world a century ago, we have yet to claim precision theories for those reactions, which would require a combination of robust uncertainty quantification and ways for reducing that uncertainty. In this talk, I will argue that such theoretical studies are within our reach by utilizing powerful theoretical, computational, and statistical tools. I will discuss theoretical modeling at the macroscopic level (treating the nucleus as a whole) and microscopic level that derives the dynamics based on nucleonic constituents. I will also present an exciting way to combine these theoretical results and experimental measurements.

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